今期好鐘意玩 Facebook. 可能係因為以前無乜玩過 Friendster
今日新加左一個 application, 叫做 "My Personality" 顧名思義就係估我的人格係點
睇起上來好似好 pro 咁﹐尤其係果五個 term 我都好似係大學讀 Introduction to Psychology 的時候讀過。而且d 問題都好似熟口熟面咁。
Well, 都幾準。
之後佢有一個 Personality Disorder 的判定﹐根據你的人格判定你最可能有無野 Personality Disorder. 唔使驚﹐其實我覺得人人都會有精神病﹐人人都會有 Peronality Disorder 的。就好似 Physical Health 一樣﹐Mental Health 我相信其實都會有少少不健康的狀態的。
我的 Personality Disorder 叫做 Borderline Personality Disorder. 咁即係乜野呢?我都無讀過心理學﹐完全唔知。翻查我偉大的老師 Wikipedia, 得到以下段落:
Borderline Personality Disorder (DSM-IV Personality Disorders 301.83[1]) (BPD) is defined as a personality disorder primarily characterized by emotional dysregulation, extreme "black and white" thinking, or "splitting", and chaotic relationships (Really???). The general profile of the disorder also typically includes a pervasive instability in mood, interpersonal relationships, self-image, identity, and behavior, as well as a disturbance in the individual's sense of self. In extreme cases, this disturbance in the sense of self can lead to periods of dissociation.[2] (諗諗下又好似真係有喎....死喇﹐我到底係邊個?....)
睇到呢度﹐都有少少「唔 L 係呀...」的感覺
The disturbances suffered by those with borderline personality disorder have a wide-ranging and pervasive negative impact on many or all of the psychosocial facets of life, including ability to hold down a job and relationships in work, home, and social settings. Comorbidity (呢個咩字?) is common; borderline personality disorder frequently occurring with substance use disorders and mood disorders. Attempted suicide and completed suicide are possible outcomes without proper care and effective therapy.
Click 多幾 click, 原來有中文版喎﹐等我睇下自己的英文理解有無錯先....
根據最新版的《DSM-IV-TR》的定義,BPD可分為Axis I和Axis II。邊緣性人格障礙的主要徵狀如下[1]:
1. 瘋狂努力以避免真實或想像中的被放棄。
2. 不穩定且緊張的人際關係模式,特徵為變換在過度理想化及否定其價值兩極端之間。
3. 認同障礙:自體形象(self image )或自體感受(sense of self)持續明顯不穩定。
4. 至少兩方面可能導致自我傷害的衝動行為。
5. 一再自殺的行為、姿態、威脅,或自傷行為。
6. 由於心情過度易於反應,情感表現不穩定。
7. 長期感到空虛。
8. 不合宜且強烈的憤怒,或對憤怒難以控制。
唔 - 係 - 卦~~~~!!!!!!