Sunday, January 22, 2006

22 Jan 2006

我真係好讚嘆 and 佩服方文山。

佢填的詞真係好勁好勁。好的歌詞我地都見過唔少﹐起碼香港都有一個林夕同黃偉文。但係佢地填的詞係「到肉」﹐係「中」。而方文山填出來的詞係「清秀」﹐係「典雅」.....唔係呀, 唔係白花油呀.....唔好笑啦.....佢真係填得好架呢.....

一早估到你會諗白花油, 衰鬼。

今次賓周倫隻碟的水準係唔錯, 但係絕對睇唔出有乜野創新之處....簡直就係了無新意。

所以, 係一樣的歌, 一樣的編曲, 一樣的含糊其詞的唱腔, 一樣的聲嘶力竭的唱慘情歌之下........


p.s. 孫燕姿的歌的歌詞都好鬼正架, 中 point 中得很。仲好過梁靜茹呀。

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

17 Jan 2006

It’s not easy to type diaries in my office these days. I have moved from the original “centred” position I was sitting in the office to a new seat which is on the “border”. Theoretically it should give me more chance of doing things that others can’t see but this office really designed in a good way…you screen is showering to everybody no matter where you sit. Even those sitting at the back row who thought no one could see what they’re doing on the computer actually had their images reflected on the huge glass window behind them.

Shall I say exquisite?


We hear from time to time that “love is something difficult to explain” or something like that. It’s something that makes you think so much of it’s meaning. We all hear that so much from our everyday lives.

But what about career? Does anyone think that “career is something difficult to explain”? had anyone think what is the meaning of career in one’s life? We all know that you should do something you like it, but does that mean turning your hobbies into your job / career / occupation / (whatever English terms out there)? How do you balance life and job? Except money, why are you working for what you are doing?

Ok, you might think I will give a thought on the above questions, ya? In fact, I’m not. I’m just asking, I don’t like to be too philosophical at times. It drives you crazy, and I prefer stick to be lame sane enough.


So many scandals and malfunctions around the KCR these days. It really remind us the differences between British-management-style MTR and Chinese-management-style KCR. We won’t go deep into the topic, let’s just stick to the surface – and the surface of KCR’s trains is uglier than MTR’s for million times enough. Jesus Christ, who the f**k propose using this blue body and red doors and yellow bands…even the circus train is better than that!


My Big boss is really a fun guy (sometimes). One day when he was whistling in the office (yes this is HIS office, he is everything), the rhythm is just so familiar to all of us. In fact, we are surprised to find out that he is whistling 月亮代表我的心 by 鄧麗君! And hey! He’s a Gweilo! He’s a Dane and he’s listening to Teresa Tang’s songs! Haha. Music has no boundary. Then he’s enthusiastically asking us whether we have listen to her songs before. Of course we do, we’re HKers from the 80s! (me from the 90s, please be noted)


You know, I’m starting to think I should go back to the university to study instead of coming out of the society to work. It just doesn’t suit me. Yes I know it’s just escaping. I know.


Sometimes I really miss the days of last summer, when I can do whatever I like to everyday, and I can bathe under the sunshine in the nice beach / swimming pools…I wish I can have those days again. Whenever I don’t want to work, my minds would be drifted to those days again. I don’t fancy having a lot of money, I don’t fancy having well-paid jobs without working, I fancy those days.

Those summer days.


Suddenly became busy for a moment when boss tell me to help him do some stuff, haha, so happy, finally have something different to do (although very easy jobs)

Saturday, January 14, 2006

14 Jan 2006

今晚有少少無聊, 於是打開個日記睇睇, 嘩, 原來我咁耐無打過日記架喇。

睇來係 office 調左位之後的日子都唔係咁好過呀下。成日都會好近咁有個人可以睇到我係度做乜野。於是番到屋企之後就已經無晒心機再打日記。

不過我都係要真係無聊到極, 或者係有感而發的時候先會想打日記。好似衣家咁, 我有機可以打, 有覺可以訓, 不知幾唔想打。

所以, bye bye la~