Thursday, July 30, 2009


1. A Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Signet Classic Series) by Jules Verne
唔係心水﹐但見三十幾蚊﹐價錢好 ok, 買左先。

2. Born on a Blue day by Daniel Tammet

3. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
好出名。被例入唔知邊個話「五十本死前必讀的書」之一。決定買的時候都未知佢講乜野﹐佢係自傳定小說定心靈都未知﹐睇一睇個 spine 寫住 "A Novel" 先知道原來 This is a novel... 哦....原來你係一本小說...明白晒

4. The Undercover Economist by Tim Harford
我諗應該係講 Econ .......... 卦 。應該唔係講 cover operations 果種 undercover 卦....

5. 看懂食物標籤 by 鄺易行

6. My Sister's Keep by Jodi Picoult
拿拿拿我平時真係完全唔睇愛情 / 溫情小說架。但我大概知佢個內容講乜野先至買架咋...拿...

7. 1984 by George Orwell
終於﹐終於﹐終於!...都遇到一個我愛的 binding, 我接受的封面﹐我覺得 OK 的紙質﹐我睇落唔覺得想訓覺的字體﹐同埋睇落 line spacing 唔太疏 / 太密的 edition.

呢個 Signet Classics Series 係唔錯。

老實講好似 1984 呢d 咁經典(咁大路) 的野﹐大 L 把 editions 可以揀。難得遇到一個「順眼」的﹐價錢唔再係問題。

and by the way, 書展﹐貴得去邊。

8. Saving Israel: How the Jewish People Can Win a War that May Never End by Daniel Gordis
我諗係講以色列....卦 (謎之聲:湯美陳你真係為「廢話」作了一個具啟示性的新定義...)

9. Easter Fun w/ Peter Rabbit, illustrations by Beatrix Potter (小孩子活動學習書籍)


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