Thursday, March 01, 2007

What's the point?

以前讀書﹐英文程度一直都是停滯不前﹐於是學會看英文電視。看著看著發現其實有很多英文節目都很好看。於是漸漸地﹐書本﹐字典﹐notes 都離我而去﹐只得電視。電視台選播甚麼﹐就間接地影響了我學了甚麼英文。

其中一句﹐叫做 “What’s the point?”

我看電視﹐極少會因為看到了不懂的說話而節目過後巴巴的走去查字典﹐一來懶﹐二來查完都很易忘記﹐三來家中字典太殘﹐不想查。於是﹐what’s the point (sometimes with “of doing something”) 在美國電視節目中給予我的印象和「用途」就通常是用來貶低﹐或挑戰其他人的行為和想法的一句句子。於是多年看電視的經驗﹐讓我知道 what’s the point 是別人看不起你 / 看不過眼的時後說的話。

語言是如此奇怪﹐若然大家都不能對同一句句子有相類的共識﹐就會產生衝突 (不是打架…..)。

昨日上班的時候依舊無聊﹐登上 MSN 「待撩」(不是笑談旺角話﹐別弄錯)。有朋友問我寫 blog 的事情。我說現在造 blog 很容易﹐一個個 template 陳列於此尤如罐頭﹐一開即有。他問我「why do you blog?」

很哲學的問題﹐但我有一個「很好」的習慣 – 將所有可以很複雜很哲學很深奧很有討論餘地的問題﹐都給予一個很簡單﹐可能是低質素甚至是惡搞的答案﹐以圖換取轉移話題的機會﹐避免不經意地因為越踩越深而「出口傷人」。

我給類似的答案, “Just want to share my life with others, find someone to appreciate my miserable life, and to find someone’s life which I might find interesting as well…you know, just sharing and finding”


佢反問, ”What’s the point?”

即係咁﹐老實說﹐第一時間的反應﹐真的有感受到些微的 offended. 因為這句說話所帶出的貶義之意實在太深深刻進我的腦袋裡面了。類似是被挑戰的問道「有乜意思姐」﹐「做來為乜喎」。


What’s the point? No point la.
No Point? You are 超低能!
No, I am not 超低能, I am 勁攪笑!


C.M. said...

Don't mind about that.

Sometimes when you give out something, there may be a recipient. If that recipient doesn't know what it is, he may ask you "what is it?". (It is normal, isn't it?)

And for that something, sometimes there may be more recipients than you have ever expected. So, those recipients who know what it is will take it and may never ask you the same question. (They have earned it, right?)

So, what's my point? (Haha, don't ask me "what's the point?" la...)

Anonymous said...


